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Sturfit Update – May 24

24 May, 2024No comments

This is just a quick update from Sturfit as we approach Half Term.  

Bank Holiday 27th May – as with all Bank Holidays the Centre is only open between 0800 and 1200. 

Half Term – as it is half term next week and the school aren’t in, we have access to the Sports Hall during the day. There is availability most days up until 1300 for courts, half hall or whole hall to be rented out for various sports or activities. You can use the space for (almost) anything you like at fantastic rates. Sports include badminton, table tennis, basketball, netball, short tennis, football, pickleball – if you’ve not heard of pickleball then look it up, it is a lot of fun!

Children’s Football sessions (Thursday 30th May) : On Thursday 30th May we are running two 1-hour sessions of football for school age children. The first session is 1030-1130 and is for children of primary school age, the second session is aimed at those of secondary school age and is from 1130-1230. These are NOT coached sessions and there is no charge – this is just getting people together for some football related fun activities. A parent or responsible adult must be in attendance for the first session. They are led by a volunteer and are supervised by centre staff.

General Rental of Sports Hall and Dance Studio. We have a little more general availability in the hall as we move into the summer months on weekday evenings as many activities have moved outside. We also have some ‘prime time’ dance studio availability which would be ideal for a private instructor to set up their own class or group. A Wednesday evening is currently totally free in the dance studio, there are 1 or 2 other gaps on the evenings and a bit more during the day. Please get in touch if you may be interested in discussing hire options – also pass on to anyone you know who you think could be interested.

Gym Usage for 12-13 year olds – We take gym members from 14 years of age but have recently done a trial of 12-13 year olds being able to come in with a parent/guardian who is a member in order to work out with them. This has proved quite successful and we are continuing this. If you are interested in this then please get in touch and we can explain how this works.

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